Kitten Blog from Tina's litter in 2021

13th June.
Early days!
The two babes are 10 days old today. They are starting to open their eyes, with the boy leading the girl on this.
Both kittens are putting on weight nicely, with the boy weighing in today at 220g and the girl 239g. Apparently it is not uncommon for the boys to be lighter than the girls at this stage.
Tina is finding the kittening box a bit too hot and is spending time out of it when her babies are sleeping. She is straight back inside the box whenever she's needed!

20th June.
The two babes are 17 days old today. They have now opened their eyes and are exploring their box.
Mum is getting a little restless and spends time outside of the box, but always keeping a watchful eye on her young.
The youngsters have equalised their weights with the boy a little smaller in size than his chunky sister. Both are continuing to gain weight very nicely.
It's getting quite hard to weight them accurately as they are both very wriggly and extremely vocal with it!

28th June.
Getting to know one another.
The kittens are now 25 days old.
They are now more aware of each other and love snuggling up together. They are beginning to wonder what's going on outside of their box.
I've now moved them into their large pen where Mum can come and go as she wishes.
Mum is eating very well, she's looking good and she continues to love her babies.
I've now named the babes, the lad is Aslan (from the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe ) and the girl is Nala (from The Lion King). When they are a little older I'll put collars on so readers will know who is who.

The colour and definition of their coats gets better and better. The boy in particular is developing a warmly toned coat with the girl just a little paler at present.
7th July
Playing and having fun.
The kittens are seeking life outside of their pen, but it is not yet allowed! They are now playing together and with their toys. Weaning has not yet started but that should be very soon.

19th July
The kittens are growing up! They have changed so much since my last post. They are now eating their own food but they still very much enjoy Mum's milk.
They also have new quarters. I've moved them into the lounge with Mum and they are now gradually meeting other members of the household (under strict supervision).
Aslan is now reserved and will be leaving us in early September. That will be a very sad day for me.😿

3rd August
The kittens had their first jabs yesterday, a sure sign that they are growing up.
They are getting more and more adventurous and have now monopolised much of the downstairs. My other cats are not very impressed and are keeping their distance.
Mum has now almost run out of milk and spends more time away from her babies. Aslan and Nala are mainly eating their own food now. They love raw kitten food and kitten kibbles.



Aslan tucks in
19th August
​11 weeks old today
The kittens continue to grow and show no fear. They are either manic or asleep! They are devoted to one another 😻😻

5th September
We have now said a tearful goodbye to Aslan who is now in his forever home.
Nala is missing her playmate😿 but she has the comfort of her Mum and the other cats.
She is growing up into a beautiful kitten with a lovely golden toned coat.
I hope she will become my breeding queen in the fullness of time.
This marks the end of the kitten blog for this litter, and I hope readers have enjoyed it 😻
